rolled howlite
Origin: United States
chakras: sacral chakra
Properties : Howlite regulates fluids in the body, so it is very good for improving skin elasticity, against water retention and against cellulite. It also helps in the resorption of edemas and promotes the assimilation of calcium in the body. Affixed to the Solar Plexus Chakra , Howlite channels and helps us manage our emotions. This stone balances our hypersensitivity and helps us fight depression.
Purification: Pure water, fumigation, earth, scallop shell, clay
Reload: Sun (Preference: full day) , Cluster of Rock Crystal or Amethyst
* Important :
All the information on the properties of the stones is given for informational purposes. They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or a medical treatment. In case of health problem, always consult your doctor.
Source : "Energetic properties of stones and crystals" by JM Garnier / "The guide to healing stones" by R.Boschiero