Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamond
Origin: United States
chakras: crown chakra
Properties : The Herkimer Diamond is in fact a particularly pure and brilliant Rock Crystal , especially when it is small and beterminated. Do not be fooled by its small size because it is of very great spiritual power. It has all the properties of rock crystal tenfold and also that of diamond . Called the King of Crystals by some, he can tune into all frequencies, he is a direct link between Heaven and Earth.
Affixed to the Heart Chakra , the Herkimer Diamond accelerates the healing process, strengthens our muscular system and fights stress. Combined with an Emerald it is excellent for all eye problems. You can also prepare a small elixir and make eye baths with it. On the Crown Chakra it helps us to understand our mission here below, placed on our Third Eye Chakra this Diamond stimulates our clairvoyance and greatly opens our spiritual awareness.
In a few minutes it is able to purify our Chakras, cleanse and harmonize our Aura. In meditation, it brings out what is buried deep within us. The good, like the bad, so be well prepared before handling it.
The Diamond of Herkimer is "THE" stone of choice for the Passers of Souls, it protects the Practitioner and the soul that it helps to bring into the light.
To note : It is preferable to place a Black Tourmaline on our Root Chakra in order to stay grounded when we use this stone.
Attention : It takes a pure heart and pure thoughts to work with the Diamond as it can just as easily amplify the bad and cause irreversible damage. It is best to approach this stone with the utmost respect and be sure to protect yourself before using it. As it is very powerful, do not use it for more than 15 minutes per day.
Purification: Pure water, salt water, salt, fumigation, earth, scallop shell, clay
Reload: Sun (Preferred: daylight), moonlight
* Important :
All the information on the properties of the stones is given for informational purposes. They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or a medical treatment. In case of health problem, always consult your doctor.
Source : "Energetic properties of stones and crystals" by JM Garnier / "The guide to healing stones" by R.Boschiero