
crystal bismuth
Origin: England, Bolivia, Canada, Spain
chakras: heart chakra
Properties : Bismuth is particularly effective for all skin diseases. Affixed to the Chakra of the throat, it fights angina, tonsillitis, laryngitis...
In a room, it promotes cohesion and brings cheerfulness. Bismuth radiates energy from the Crown Chakra to the Root Chakra
Purification: Pure water, fumigation, earth, scallops, clay
Reload: Sun (Preferred: daylight), Cluster of Rock Crystal or Amethyst
* Important :
All the information on the properties of the stones is given for informational purposes. They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or a medical treatment. In case of health problem, always consult your doctor.
Source : "Energetic properties of stones and crystals" by JM Garnier